Mercedes-Benz 3.0 V6 OM642 (from 2010) upgrade turbocharger
SKU: OM642 VKLR/2872BB
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Updated water-cooled ballbearing GTB2060VKLR version of Mercedes-Benz 3.0 V6 OM642 turbocharger. Designed to work with stock exhaust manifold and other engine units. Specifications and compatibility list written below.Stage 2 (HTD2872BB):
- Big dual ceramic ball bearing;
- CNC machined compressor housing;
- CNC machined turbine housing;
- Custom variable geometry nozzle;
- reinforced bigger machined from the solid compressor wheel - 50/72mm;
- bigger turbine wheel - 51/49mm;
- Flow bench adjusted;
- Balanced on VSR;
Power range: up to 400HP;
Compatibility list
Model Year Engine code Power (KW / HP) P. N. OEM nr.